Emergency and First Aid Procedures

1. General Instructions

Members should not park in areas that may restrict the access of emergency vehicles. William Road in particular is a narrow road and able bodied members are asked to park large vehicles in Yorke Gate.

It is the responsibility of the coach to check the equipment for safety before each session.

2. Emergency Evacuation of the Premises

In case of fire, a shout of ‘FIRE’ will be called. (In public sports centres an alarm system will ring) to alert all individuals and an instruction given to leave the building by the nearest available. Exit in a calm and orderly manner to a designated assembly point. At William Road, this assembly point is the car park for the flats opposite the building.

Officers of the Club, Committee members, in their absence, any responsible member will assume immediate responsibility and call the fire brigade if required.

If it is safe to do so, an attempt to extinguish the source of the fire can be made using an appropriate fire extinguisher, e.g. by ensuring that a safe passage to an exit point is available and that there is a low risk of suffocation.

An Officer of the Club, a Committee member or any responsible member should, if safe to do so, check that the premises have been evacuated, close doors and proceed to the assembly point to take charge and to liaise with the fire brigade on their arrival.

Upon exiting the club in an emergency situation, appropriate action, assistance and care should be forthcoming from adult members to ensure the safe exit of junior members and any members that suffer from disabilities. However, members should not put themselves or anybody else in danger to provide assistance.

3. Calling the Emergency Services

If the fire brigade or an ambulance is required a 999 emergency call should be made by a responsible person.

In emergencies a mobile phone should be used provided that there is a strong reliable signal, and staff should be informed that an emergency call has been made.

If an ambulance has been called, a responsible person, but not the first aider (who should remain with the casualty), should direct the ambulance to the casualty as it arrives in the car park.

4. First Aid

Qualified First Aiders at public sports centres should always be on hand. At William Road the first aider’s name, telephone number and mobile number should be displayed on the notice board.

First Aid kits are sited in the following locations: Location of accident report books and forms:

Should there be an incident, a responsible person shall be dispatched to the nearest available First Aider who will attend to the casualty. If this is sufficient, the First Aider will remain with the casualty until the risk is reduced or, if the casualty is a minor, until they are relieved by a parent/carer.

If necessary the First Aider will request that an ambulance is called following the procedure in Section 3 above, but in the event of a suspected life threatening condition, e.g. prolonged unconsciousness, loss of breathing, suspected heart failure or excessive loss of blood, an ambulance should be called immediately by anyone, at the same time as a First Aider is being located.

An Injury Report should be completed as soon as possible after the incident by the person dealing with the injury. See above for procedures for compiling injury reports. The owner / manager of the club will be the custodian of records of injury for the club.

Within 24 hours of the injury occurring, a member of the club management or the Coach of the injured person should contact the parents/carers to enquire about the welfare of the injured person and to find out about any follow up to the injury, e.g. after being seen at a hospital Accident and Emergency Department or by a Doctor.

5. Basic Guidelines for Dealing with an Injury / Incident

The following basic instructions should be observed when handling an incident: